I know I’m one of the few who thought that Mission Impossible III was the best in the series. So finding this tidbit that JJ Abrams is teaming once again with Tom Cruise to bring Ethan Hunt back to the big screen is exciting to me. It seems that everything JJ puts his hands on lately is a success.
The bit comes from the latest issue of TV Guide. It was scanned and put online, but reads as follows:
The man behind “Lost,” “Fringe” and the latest Star Trek smash is reteaming with Tom Cruise to resurrect superspy Ethan Hunt for a fourth installment of the popular franchise. “I am incredibly honored that Tom has invited me back as a producer on Mission Impossible 4,” says J.J. Abrams, who directed 2006’s MI: 3, but hasn’t yet committed to directing the fourth. “Tom and I have come up with a really cool idea we are pursuing.” Send Ethan to the “Lost” island to find out what the hell’s going on. That mission is really impossible!

Source: Spoiler TV via Rope of Silicon