Lots of news to wrap into one little article. We’ve got news on Defendor, Lobo, Star Trek 2, Mission: Impossible 4, and some A-Team stuff.
Let’s get started shall we!
Sharlto Copley fresh off the successful District 9 is in final negotiations for the role of “Howling Mad” Murdock while Jessica Biel is also in the final stages of negotiation. She will play the former love interest of Faceman (Bradley Cooper), an army general now chasing the team.
A-Team also stars Liam Neeson as Col. John Hannibal Smith, and Quinton “Rampage” Jackson as B.A. Baracus (THR).
JJ Abrams recently had two different interviews with SciFi Wire and the LA Times in which he briefly discusses both Mission: Impossible 4, and the one most people are interested in… Star Trek 2.
First up, M:I 4, where JJ says they have an awesome story that’s currently being written by Andre Nemec and Josh Applebaum. When asked about directing the fourth he said “I’m open to anything”.
Obviously, after the smashing success of the reboot everybody is chomping at the bit to find out what’s up with Trek 2. They’re still in the early stages of the story and Roberto Orci ,Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindeloff are working on the script. The LA Times pushed a little harder and got this little tidbit “The ambition for a sequel to Star Trek is to make a movie that’s worthy of the audience and not just another movie… it needs to do what Roddenberry did so well, which is allegory. It needs to tell a story that has connection to what is familiar and what is relevant.” Orci was also hand to reiterate the point sighting many fan letters saying it needs to reflect what’s going on today.
Defendor‘s premiere at TIFF was a success as Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Group has picked up the film which stars Woody Harrelson. SPWA will handle distribution worldwide, except here in Canada where Alliance has the rights. The film is directed by Peter Stebbings. (THR)
Which leads me to some LOBO news. As you know I recently interviewed James Preston Rogers who had a part in Defendor (I know he stabbed Woody, or at least it looks that way in the trailer). Well, the big man is interested in being an interstellar bounty hunter. Now, this is where things get interesting. Keith Giffen, co-creator of LOBO (with Roger Slifer) recently spoke with ComicBookMovie.com about who he’d like to play the blue skinned bad ass
Here’s what Giffen had to say:
“Were I king–and I’m not, I have no say in this whatsoever–if I were calling the shots, I would go for an unknown. Sort of ‘make a star.’ Do the George Lucas thing, make a star instead of bringing someone in. If you bring, off the top of my head, Mel Gibson, and say, ‘Okay. Mel Gibson is going to play Lobo.’ It stops being a Lobo movie and starts being a Mel Gibson movie. Movie stars bring their own baggage.”
Let’s be honest here. I’d love see a 6’6″ actor actually play the part. Someone who actually has the size and doesn’t require some CGI magic to look bigger, or making the character smaller. WE DO NOT need some 5’8″ STAR to play the part. DC did cast an unknown for Superman Returns so DC isn’t afraid to give someone new a chance.

James Preston Rogers