Warner Bros. is putting a Man of Steel sequel into active development with the goal of getting the character right for audiences.
After all, many were saying that Henry Cavill’s conflicted performance as Superman was not what they wanted to see.
I’ve enjoyed this Superman who has been struggling with who he is and what he stands for. I said in my BvS review:
Superman is still struggling with who he in is BvS that is until he makes a major realization. Snyder has been giving “birth” to the man of steel of the last 2 films and I think we’ll see the Superman we expect in Justice League.
Whether Snyder will be back to direct is yet to be seen, but I do hope they keep with the style that has been set by Snyder. Who will Superman face? We don’t know yet, but I’m hoping to finally see fraggin’ Lobo on film. I’m wondering if this image of James Preston Rogers was a makeup test for for the upcoming Man of Steel sequel?

James Preston Rogers – Lobo makeup test?
Source: The Wrap