Yes, you read that right and guess what? It’s going to be in stereoscopic 3D.

Those folks at MarketSaw have received a tip from a reliable tipster that George Lucas is looking to start production after he finishs converting his first two trilogies into 3D once the magic number of 3D theatres is reached. That would be when there are 5k in total.
Anyway, my favourite tidbit from this rumour is that George will only be producing the films and not directing. Not that he did a terrible job, but I think giving this world a new set of directorial eyes, ala Empire Strikes Back, could thrust this series back to the level fans expect.
I’m sure George is already courting friend Steven Spielberg to helm one, but who would you like to see direct any, or all of the potential new Star Wars films?
There’s no doubt that George will be keeping his eyes on how well James Cameron’s Avatar does. Should Avatar open huge you can expect George to announce the third Star Wars film trilogy.
However, until we get official word file this under “grain of salt” or “extreme rumour”.