From Comic-Con: Shane pulls stomach muscles during Tropic Thunder screening.
The good folks from Paramount decided to screen Tropic Thunder the night we arrived here in San Diego. The whole crew from Canada was able to attend tonight’s screening and each and everyone of us really enjoyed the film.
It’s the first time I’ve sat in a theater with a group of other journalists who, from the sound of constant laughter, all seemed to thoroughly enjoy this movie just as much as I did. The movie has a rather unorthodox start and because of that it gets your attention quickly and doesn’t let go until the very end.
Ben Stiller is an actor I have trouble relating to and usually don’t enjoy, but this time around his performance was exactly what was needed to make this movie work. For the first half of the movie Jack Black is not doing his usual schtick. It’s a different Jack then we’ve seen before and it’s good. Then it hits the middle of the movie and the Jack we all love is there – and in this context it works perfectly.
There are two actors here who completely steal the show. Robert Downey Jr. is the first. At no point does he take his role lightly and makes you truly forget that he’s under the makeup. However, it’s Tom Cruise who owns this movie. Every time he’s on screen he dominates it. Matthew McConaughey, Bill Hader, Nick Nolte, and Danny McBride also add to the overall enjoyment of the film.
I laughed my ass off at this movie along with rest of the people in the theater. This might just be the best comedy of the year.
When Tropic Thunder hits theaters don’t wait. Go see it.