When firing up Gears or War 2 today you may have noticed that there’s an update available, and guess what. It fixed the Matchmaking. Yes, it’s true.
Rod Fergusson Sr. Producer had this say on the Official Gears 2 forum:
Hey all,I’m happy to announce that this morning, at 3:40 AM PST, we released a title update that should help with the current matchmaking issues. In order to get the update out as quickly as possible, we focused just on immediate infrastructure issues and have left any potential gameplay issues for a future update. Here’s what’s in today’s title update:
- Adjustments to make Public matchmaking faster, especially in the single player party and the four player party case. Some of these adjustments should be felt immediately and some will play out over several days as our update enables us to reduce player segmentation by reducing the number of servers required to do matchmaking. This will increase the number of possible matches available for you to join.
- A tweak that should prevent us from losing some of our additional detailed stats data that we gather for gearsofwar.com. Due to the large number of concurrent matches, our stats gathering servers were not able to collect data for every single match played. The Xbox LIVE leaderboards are 100% accurate but our existing stats web pages may have some missing data prior to the update.
- A fix to address the issue where some players were unable to start the story-based campaign if Xbox LIVE was down or unavailable.
Something to keep in mind, if you have been playing Gears 2 since the title update was made available, then you will need to restart the game in order to be prompted for the update. If you don’t do this, then a situation will occur where people without the update will not be able to match make with people who have the update. This has nothing to do with the game or this update in particular, just the way the title update system works.
We want to thank everyone for their patience during this time and we will continue to monitor the situation. We’re hopeful that the matchmaking issues we’ve seen up till now are a thing of the past.
Senior Producer
Gears of War 2
I asked my wife to sum up the above for me while I was gone out for a few minutes, and this is what she had to say on my behalf. It made me laugh so hard I just had to keep it for all to read:
You’re not alone if you’ve been experiencing longer than acceptable wait times while using the skill-based Public matchmaking in Gears 2 multiplayer. But, not to worry XBox fans a solution is on the horizon. Here at Eye Crave Network, we have found the answer to your problem. No more wait times! How can this be so? A fantastic new workaround has been developed and is within reach. And it’s so simple it will blow what’s left of your desensitized, over stimulated, under used mind. Here it is… for your gaming displeasure – a fool proof way to avoid the wait times that have all you X-Box junkies up in virtual arms …TURN OFF THE X-BOX!!!