San Diego Comic Con, New York Comic Con, L A Comic Con, Supercon, what do all of these conventions have in common? Nerds, blood, sweat, and tears, but most importantly nerds. Us nerds fund these cons, we line up for 30 hours to get into Hall H, we line up for 4 days to get into the Mondo gallery to get the newest print from the show. However, we all know the effort that goes into attending the conventions, but how many of us can say we really know all the effort and energy that goes into planning the cons? Surviving Supercon moves the curtain back and shows the audience the madness that truly goes into making a successful con and all the madness that ensues.
Sandy Martin and Michael Border are the two people behind Supercon and the documentary thankfully focuses on them versus being a celebrity focused con. This gives us the inside look we need into the world of the conventions and all the chaos and pandemonium around it. The larger issue at hand is because they don’t hold back, they don’t sugar coat anything, and they refuse to make it glamourized, is that they come off kind of harsh. Cons are supposed to be fun, an escape for a few days where you can cosplay as your favourite character and become immersed in a world of likeminded people and enjoy what all brings you all together in this universe. However when the chaos is pulled back and the true emotions are thrown out it removes a little bit of the magic. Yes, safety and concern are a valid concern, and there is no discounting that, but the aggravation that comes forward from running a con is a little depressing.
Surivivng Supercon is a documentary that solely focuses on the behind the scenes of large scale conventions. It is not focusing on guests, not focusing on the celebrity status, but solely focusing on the creation of a con. There is so much love and passion that goes into creating a convention such as Supercon, but being a diehard fan it’s a little disheartening to see the emotion that truly lays beneath creating such an incredible atmosphere for fans everywhere.